Saturday, October 1, 2016

Marketing Ads Gone Wrong

marketing ads gone wrong

A groomsman's attempt to do a split in the air for a wedding snap has become memorable for all the wrong reasons. tyler foster, of spokane, washington, decided to do. The campaign launched last week with a significant spend on out of home, print, digital banners, social media and pr.... » more. What’s in a name? or, for that matter, a brand? well, a lot of headaches (and money) if you get it wrong, especially if you’re not paying attention to its.

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... AdWords contextual ads gone wrong - Stephan Spencer | Stephan Spencer

... adwords contextual ads gone wrong - stephan spencer | stephan spencer

What’s in a name? or, for that matter, a brand? well, a lot of headaches (and money) if you get it wrong, especially if you’re not paying attention to its.